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This members area of this web site is restricted to the members of the Ishaq family. If you are a member of our family you can register for a member account. The administrator will review and approve your account after verification.
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This website is dedicated to the members of the Palestinian Ishaq family and there relatives around the world. If you are related to our family, please write here a short text identifying yourself and we will be happy to welcome you on board. The information you write here is private and can be viewed by the admins of the site only. If we do not recognize as related to our family, we regret that we will not enable your account. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly.
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Christine Isaac
Khaled Ishaq
Jihan Andoni
Recent blog posts
The Story of My Great-Grandparents (Hanna Rishmawi & Miladeh Bardawil)
About Nicola Issa Salameh Isaac and his family
Ishaq Family Connections
Greetings From a Cousin in Florida
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Thanks and Welcome to the site
11 years 5 weeks ago
Welcome to the site.
11 years 7 weeks ago
family tree available online
16 years 48 weeks ago
Baseel Issa Salameh Ishaq
Beit Sahour
Hanna Suleiman Rishmawi
Khalil Hanna Suleiman Rishmawi
Labibeh Issa Saleem Hannoneh
Miladeh Bardawil
Miriam Yousef Romman
Nicola Issa Salameh Isaac
Nimer Nicola Issa Isaac
Sofia Nicola Issa Isaac
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11 years 5 weeks ago
11 years 7 weeks ago
16 years 48 weeks ago