
Ishaq Family Tree

صورة admin

This page will include the Ishaq Family Tree. Our family tree project currently contains more than 500 individuals. All Ishaq family members are kindly requested to help build up our family tree. If you have information that you like to include in the family tree, please send by email to tree@ishaq.com. To protect privacy, only information about deceased people will be published.

The following is a photo of the family tree painting located at the house of Dr. Jad Isaac in Beit Sahour. The picture was taken on 24 Jan 2008. Click on the photo to see it in a higher resolution.


صورة isam

family tree available online

A beta version of the Ishaq family tree is now available online on the following address:

Please note that the family tree is still in early stages. Please review and provide your feedback. The tree is still not integrated with this site. So you will not be able to login to the family tree using your user name and password. Once the integration is complete you will be able to access more information about the family after logging in.

Isam Ishaq